Wednesday Aug 24, 2022 Sunday Aug 28, 2022
August 24-28,2022
Shooters Sporting Clays 10713 300th St Marshall, MN 56258
Varies on clay shooting events, some are 50 target, some 100 targets, main event is 200 targets
Clubhouse 507-336-2638
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Join us for the 2022 MN State Sporting Clays Championship. Starts Wed August 24th and runs through Sunday August 28th. Non-squadded 50 Target side events start on Wednesday. The 100 Target Prelim 100 & 100 Super Sporting 100 can be shot over Thursday/Friday. Please check flight times that work best for you. The 200 Target Main Event is over Saturday and Sunday, 100 Targets each day. 50 Bird Side events include FITASC, 5-Stand, Sub-gauge Sporting (20, 28, .410), True Pair, Lakeview Trap Team Lewis, Marshall Tigers Shooting Team Lewis and Pump OR Side-By-Side (one event for both) Make-A-Break available - Also working on a new head to head game called "DIRTY BIRD" Please sign up for Complimentary Friday Night Chicken Dinner and/or Saturday Night Ribeye ($20) if you plan on attending the meals so we can get a good head count for the caterer. Thank You - Let's make this a Good One!