Grocery Stores BakeryCateringConvenience StoresFast FoodFlorists Infant SuppliesLandscaping Products & Services Mailing ServicesMeeting Space Nutrition ProgramsPharmacyPizzaRestaurants Sit Down Dining
24-7. Closed Christmas.
About Us
The Marshall Hy-Vee Grocery Store has been serving this great area for over 30 years. We support the great community of Marshall and provide a casual restruant, pharmacy, bakery, Starbucks, catering services, gourmet cheese selection, Chinese take-out, Pizza take-out, Butcher Shop, Deli, Seafood Department, full-service Floral and gift department, Sunday brunch, breakfast, lunch, dinner, Chicken take-out, gas station, fuel points and digital coupons.
Rep/Contact Info
Jeff Thompson
Store Director
- Phone: (507) 532-2247